Saturday, February 27, 2010

Caring For Your Jewellery

I've had several customers in the store recently concerned of why the metal in their jewellery is cracking and discoloured. The first question I ask is if they've been wearing their jewels in chlorinated pools, hot tubs or while using cleaners containing bleach.

Chlorine can erode metals causing stones to be loosened and cause discolouring that will have to be professionally removed. Chemicals in household cleaners can damage the metal in your jewellery as well as abraid, erode and stain your gemstones.


Here are a few others tips on taking the best care of your precious heirlooms:

1) Have your jewels cleaned and inspected atleast once a year. I do not charge for this service. It's best to know your stone is loose BEFORE is goes missing!

2) Don't store your diamond jewellery loose with other pieces. Diamonds can scratch and damage pearls, coloured gemstones and even OTHER diamonds!

3) Diamonds are known as the hardest substance on earth, but they are NOT indestructible, a hard blow can cause them to chip and fracture.

4) Prepared jewel cleaners can be damaging to soft/porous stones such as emeralds, pearls, opals, turquiose and cameos. You can clean your jewels by adding a few drops of dish soap to a glass of warm water and gently brushing with an old toothbrush.

5) ALWAYS put your jewellery on last, AFTER applying cosmetics, lotions and perfumes.

6) It is important to appraise your jewels. If they are lost or stolen, details of dimensions with photographs accurately document the quality, size and colour of gemstones to ensure you receive equal quality and value when replaced.

I hope this helps you take the best care of your jewels!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ancient Craft enters the Millenium Era.

I recall just a few short years ago, bragging to my friends about my new Palm Pilot. I'd then pull out an antique folding pencil and sarcastically scribble on a scrap piece of paper. I was saddened by their addiction to pressing buttons and constantly staring at a screen rather than participating in LIFE AROUND THEM. I was thankful for being an artist, being able to earn my living simply by creating lovely, adored objects with my own two hands. Sure, I have some electrical tools to help, but most of the techniques and processes I use today are the same developed in Ancient Egypt! I LOVE the idea of taking one of nature's elements such as gold or silver and tweaking it; adding one of mother nature's gemstones into something wearable that is symbolic and meaningful to others.

...and here I am, the technological HOLD-OUT in the year 2009 starting my own BLOG! I've decided that it's time to realize that the cyber world can "partner" with ancient processes without damaging their value.

Cindy Johnson
Renaissance Fine Jewellery
LaSalle Mews, Bagot@Princess St.
Kingston, On
K7K 5W7
613 766 1418